
Industry: Apps, Management Consulting

Reference Market: IT, US

Inflow: MI2020 London2019, Alumni, Portfolio

Total capital raised so far: 1.3 M

Website: Beaconforce

Key person infos

Nome Cognome: Antonio Lorenzon

Ruolo: CEO



Drive performance. Every day.

Deloitte studies show that 87% of the workforce is disengaged. Along with this, corporate spending for stress related illness, burn-out and depression in the work place reached almost $1 trillion a year for U.S. and European based companies. Today’s 24/7 connected workforces have very different wants and needs, however, when it comes to «People Intelligence», companies are still using last century tools that provide very little value and data to decision makers. Beaconforce is a People Management Platform that combines Artificial Intelligence and Behavioral Science to create work environments that motivate people and improve performance and productivity.

The platform collects data from the workforce on daily basis and through  Machine Learning provides top management with insights and intelligence to better manage their workforce. Beaconforce clients have seen positive impact to their bottom line such as healthier turnover, less in sick days, R.O.I. tracking on management initiatives